
  • Removes properties from the file if they are not referenced by a Scene. Commonly helpful for cleaning up after other operations, e.g. allowing a node to be detached and any unused meshes, materials, or other resources to be removed automatically.


    import { PropertyType } from '@gltf-transform/core';
    import { prune } from '@gltf-transform/functions';
    document.getRoot().listMaterials(); // → [Material, Material]
    await document.transform(
            propertyTypes: [PropertyType.MATERIAL],
            keepExtras: true
    document.getRoot().listMaterials(); // → [Material]

    By default, pruning will aggressively remove most unused resources. Use PruneOptions to limit what is considered for pruning.

Function symbol, where the argument and output are a box labeled 'glTF'.

Made by Don McCurdy. Documentation built with greendoc and published under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.