
Root property of a glTF asset.

Any properties to be exported with a particular asset must be referenced (directly or indirectly) by the root. Metadata about the asset's license, generator, and glTF specification version are stored in the asset, accessible with Root.getAsset.

Properties are added to the root with factory methods on its Document, and removed by calling Property.dispose() on the resource. Any properties that have been created but not disposed will be included when calling the various root.list*() methods.

A document's root cannot be removed, and no other root may be created. Unlike other Property types, the .dispose(), .detach() methods have no useful function on a Root property.


const root = document.getRoot();
const scene = document.createScene('myScene');
const node = document.createNode('myNode');

console.log(root.listScenes()); // → [scene x 1]

Reference: glTF → Concepts



  • constructor(graph: Graph): Root


propertyType: PropertyType.ROOT


  • listAccessors(): Accessor[]
  • listAnimations(): Animation[]
  • getAsset(): IAsset
  • listBuffers(): Buffer[]
  • listCameras(): Camera[]
  • copy(other: Root,resolve?: unknown): Root
  • dispatchEvent(event: BaseEvent): this
  • Dispatches an event on the GraphNode, and on the associated Graph. Event types on the graph are prefixed, "node:[type]".

  • dispose(): void
  • Removes both inbound references to and outbound references from this object. At the end of the process the object holds no references, and nothing holds references to it. A disposed object is not reusable.

  • equals(other: Property,skip?: Set<string>): boolean
  • Returns true if two properties are deeply equivalent, recursively comparing the attributes of the properties. Optionally, a 'skip' set may be included, specifying attributes whose values should not be considered in the comparison.

    Example: Two Primitives are equivalent if they have accessors and materials with equivalent content — but not necessarily the same specific accessors and materials.

  • addEventListener(type: string,listener: EventListener<T>): this
  • removeEventListener(type: string,listener: EventListener<T>): this
  • getExtension(name: string): Prop | null
  • listExtensions(): ExtensionProperty[]
  • listExtensionsRequired(): Extension[]
  • listExtensionsUsed(): Extension[]
  • getExtras(): Record<string, unknown>
  • Returns a reference to the Extras object, containing application-specific data for this Property. Extras should be an Object, not a primitive value, for best portability.

  • setExtras(extras: Record<string, unknown>): Property
  • Updates the Extras object, containing application-specific data for this Property. Extras should be an Object, not a primitive value, for best portability.

  • isDisposed(): boolean
  • Returns true if the node has been permanently removed from the graph.

  • listMaterials(): Material[]
  • listMeshes(): Mesh[]
  • getName(): string
  • Returns the name of this property. While names are not required to be unique, this is encouraged, and non-unique names will be overwritten in some tools. For custom data about a property, prefer to use Extras.

  • Sets the name of this property. While names are not required to be unique, this is encouraged, and non-unique names will be overwritten in some tools. For custom data about a property, prefer to use Extras.

  • listNodes(): Node[]
  • listParents(): Property[]
  • Returns a list of all properties that hold a reference to this property. For example, a material may hold references to various textures, but a texture does not hold references to the materials that use it.

    It is often necessary to filter the results for a particular type: some resources, like Accessors, may be referenced by different types of properties. Most properties include the Root as a parent, which is usually not of interest.


    const materials = texture
        .filter((p) => p instanceof Material)
  • listScenes(): Scene[]
  • listSkins(): Skin[]
  • listTextures(): Texture[]
Function symbol, where the argument and output are a box labeled 'glTF'.

Made by Don McCurdy. Documentation built with greendoc and published under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.