
Texture, or images, referenced by Material properties.

Textures in glTF Transform are a combination of glTF's texture and image properties, and should be unique within a document, such that no other texture contains the same getImage() data. Where duplicates may already exist, the dedup({textures: true}) transform can remove them. A Document with N texture properties will be exported to a glTF file with N image properties, and the minimum number of texture properties necessary for the materials that use it.

For properties associated with a particular use of a texture, see TextureInfo.




propertyType: PropertyType.TEXTURE


  • dispatchEvent(event: BaseEvent): this
  • Dispatches an event on the GraphNode, and on the associated Graph. Event types on the graph are prefixed, "node:[type]".

  • dispose(): void
  • Removes both inbound references to and outbound references from this object. At the end of the process the object holds no references, and nothing holds references to it. A disposed object is not reusable.

  • equals(other: Property,skip?: Set<string>): boolean
  • Returns true if two properties are deeply equivalent, recursively comparing the attributes of the properties. Optionally, a 'skip' set may be included, specifying attributes whose values should not be considered in the comparison.

    Example: Two Primitives are equivalent if they have accessors and materials with equivalent content — but not necessarily the same specific accessors and materials.

  • addEventListener(type: string,listener: EventListener<T>): this
  • removeEventListener(type: string,listener: EventListener<T>): this
  • getExtension(name: string): Prop | null
  • listExtensions(): ExtensionProperty[]
  • getExtras(): Record<string, unknown>
  • Returns a reference to the Extras object, containing application-specific data for this Property. Extras should be an Object, not a primitive value, for best portability.

  • setExtras(extras: Record<string, unknown>): Property
  • Updates the Extras object, containing application-specific data for this Property. Extras should be an Object, not a primitive value, for best portability.

  • getImage(): Uint8Array | null
  • setImage(image: Uint8Array): Texture
  • isDisposed(): boolean
  • Returns true if the node has been permanently removed from the graph.

  • getMimeType(): string
  • setMimeType(mimeType: string): Texture
  • Sets the MIME type for this texture ('image/jpeg' or 'image/png'). If the texture does not have a URI, a MIME type is required for correct export.

  • getName(): string
  • Returns the name of this property. While names are not required to be unique, this is encouraged, and non-unique names will be overwritten in some tools. For custom data about a property, prefer to use Extras.

  • Sets the name of this property. While names are not required to be unique, this is encouraged, and non-unique names will be overwritten in some tools. For custom data about a property, prefer to use Extras.

  • listParents(): Property[]
  • Returns a list of all properties that hold a reference to this property. For example, a material may hold references to various textures, but a texture does not hold references to the materials that use it.

    It is often necessary to filter the results for a particular type: some resources, like Accessors, may be referenced by different types of properties. Most properties include the Root as a parent, which is usually not of interest.


    const materials = texture
        .filter((p) => p instanceof Material)
  • getSize(): vec2 | null
  • getURI(): string
Function symbol, where the argument and output are a box labeled 'glTF'.

Made by Don McCurdy. Documentation built with greendoc and published under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.